Monday, January 28, 2013

Tube Games- Heidi Faust

A group of us ventured to Paris this weekend, but I will let someone else blog about that. Instead, I will give you an example of just how much fun this group of students is. 

As we sat on the Tube back to central London from Heathrow Airport, we were so excited to come back, that we had some different opinions about what would be the fastest way to get home (London really feels like home now). Alan and Rob were adamant about their way being the fastest, and everyone else had our minds set on our way. I suggested we split up and see who gets there the fastest........This brought out our competitive GLS sides, and we immediately started making a complete list of rules and scheming. The boys tricked us and RAN out of the Tube at the next was game on! 

When the boys left we had several stops to plan our course. Much to our dismat, the speaker came on and said that the Northern Line was CLOSED! Instantly, we had these distraught looks on our faces and had to quickly come up with a new plan of attack. We were SPRINTING up the escalators out of the Tube stations to get back to 99 Great Russell Street first. Of course my team won, and we took our time stamp picture and headed to our flats so we could be in the showers relaxing when the losers strolled in. 

Team Cheaters- Rob Graham and Alan Porter

Team Winners' Game Faces- Sarah Bishop, Sydney Eiler, Carly Frensley, Jillian Vaulk, Caitlin Burchette, Jordan Tipton, Ashton Banta, Heidi Faust, Georgia Ralston, and Andrew Currey. 
The annoying part of this whole thing (and completely unsurprising knowing Alan and Rob) is that they weren't planning on playing the game in the first place. They knew our route was faster, but couldn't admit it, so they decided to hop off the Tube and act like they were going on with their plan, when instead they got lunch....QUITTERS! They cae back an hour later and tried to tell us they had run home and then left to get food...but we still won fair and square. I love our class.

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